Go-To Guide™: GETTING STARTED with School-Age Stuttering Therapy

$58.00 USD

STR's Go-To Guide: GETTING STARTED with School-Age Stuttering Therapy will empower you to provide stutter-affirming therapy for your students.

"This resource is a must! Great for all ages but especially love for high school. I would highly recommend this resource. " -- KD in TX

This amazing resource gives you the tools and activities you need to get your therapy headed in the right direction from the very beginning.

Includes more than 50 activities--more than 135 pages--of “how-tos” and handouts for the early stages of stuttering therapy.

"My confidence in working with students who stutter has greatly increased!  This resource has been a game-changer in my therapy sessions." -- AG in MN

School-Age Stuttering Therapy ResourcesDesigned as a supplement and companion to our best-selling, comprehensive therapy book, this new Go-To Guide™ coordinates with the rationale and evidence provided in School-Age Stuttering Therapy: A Practical Guide.

School AgedStuttering Therapy: A Practical Guide helped me start the treatment plan for helping my students who stutter. The Go-To Guide helps expand the plan. Having more options to help teach various concepts has been a real help in my stuttering therapy.  -- VT in IL

Together, these practical resources help you know what to do and how to do it as you guide your students who stutter toward essential knowledge and skills that get them started on the right track.

This guide has given me a framework to use throughout the school year with minimal planning/prep. The activities are meaningful and engaging for students. --- JS in VA

Spiral Bound, 138 pages. ISBN: 978-1-7370660-0-3
Copyright ©2024. Stuttering Therapy Resources, Inc. All Rights Reserved.