Practical Thoughts Blog

It's (almost) NEVER breathing in stuttering therapy!

It's (almost) NEVER breathing in stuttering therapy!

Ready for another rant? This one is about all of the breathing exercises that well-meaning family members (and clinicians) put people who stutter through. The bottom line? 99.99% off the time, people who stutter do not need to change the way they breathe!

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Is stuttering increasing during the pandemic?

Is stuttering increasing during the pandemic?

Many speech-language pathologists have reported an increase in referrals for stuttering since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Many people who stutter have also reported that they are experiencing an increase in the frequency and severity of stuttering since the spring of 2020. What's really going on? Is COVID causing more stuttering? Read on to find out!

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How to be a stuttering therapist (Advice from a person who stutters)

How to be a stuttering therapist (Advice from a person who stutters)

Patrick Campbell, co-editor of Stammering Pride and Prejudice: Different not Defect shares his views about what speech-language pathologists can do to become better stuttering therapists. Drawing on his own experiences, Patrick highlights the good and the bad of therapy and encourages clinicians to be open to various options and keep learning!

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Guest Blog: Stuttering is easier when we have a reason to stutter.

Guest Blog: Stuttering is easier when we have a reason to stutter.

This guest blog post by Christopher Constantino, PhD, CCC-SLP, describes the motivation behind Stammering Pride and Prejudice: Different not Defect, a remarkable book that present stuttering in a new light. If you are a person who stutters or a family member, or if you work with people who stutter, this is an absolute must read!

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Can I use the OASES via telepractice? (Yes!)

Can I use the OASES via telepractice? (Yes!)

Many clinicians have questions about whether they can use the OASES (Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering) remotely via telepractice. The short answer is yes! The longer answer is that there are a few options that you can consider, including our *clinical license* for online administration.

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