Practical Thoughts Blog
Apr 19, 2019
What treatment approach is best for a preschool child who stutters?
Clinicians are often uncertain about how to choose an appropriate, evidence-based treatment approach for young children who stutter. In this post, Dr. Yaruss encourages clinicians to first consider a child's and family's needs before selecting a specific approach.
Apr 01, 2019
Why don't we write goals about fluency? (Round 2)
Nina Reeves stirred up a bit of a storm during a recent professional development workshop, when she said that speech-language pathologists should not write treatment goals for children who stutter that are based on the frequency or severity of stuttering. Read her post to find out why!
Mar 07, 2019
How do I write IEP goals for preschool children who stutter?
Writing IEP goals for preschool and young school-age children who stutter presents a unique challenge for clinicians, because most of the early therapy is done with and through the parents. Learn how to handle this by writing goals for both less-direct and more-direct aspects of therapy.
Mar 05, 2019
Don’t just tell parents to “wait and see what happens!”
J. Scott Yaruss has a lot of pet peeves. One of them is when speech-language pathologists tell parents of young children who stutter to just "wait and see what happens." Read this blog post to find out why!
Dec 01, 2018
Why don’t we write goals about fluency?
Writing IEP goals presents a unique challenge for clinicians working with children who stutter. In this blog post, Dr. Yaruss argues that we should not be writing goals based on fluency. Click to find out why!
Sep 26, 2018
Students who stutter: How can teachers help?
Teachers can make a real difference in the lives of their students who stutter, though they are often uncertain about what to do to help. Fortunately, we have resources to guide them in supporting their students both in and out of the classroom.
Aug 28, 2018
Answering SLP SUMMIT Questions
What a wonderful time I had presenting at the 2018 SLP SUMMIT! Thank you for submitting so many questions during and after the presentation...This is the place to find answers!
Aug 03, 2018
What does "homework" for school-age stuttering therapy look like?
People who stutter will make the greatest gains in therapy when they also practice on their own. Knowing how to give useful homework assignments can help you help your students increase their progress and generalize their skills outside of therapy.
Jul 22, 2018
Countering the Top 3 Myths About Stuttering
Yes, you've heard them - the big myths about stuttering. In this post, Nina handles 3 of the biggest, with some practical thoughts about how you can help to set the record straight!
Jul 05, 2018
Connect ALL of your clients who stutter with self-help/support groups!
Self-help and support organizations can make a real difference in the lives of people who stutter and their families!
May 11, 2018
Do we treat speech sounds or stuttering first?
Some children who stutter do more than just stutter! In fact, many also exhibit speech sound disorders, as well. What should we do when that happens?!?
May 07, 2018
Why no "continuous phonation?"
Continuous phonation is often recommended as a strategy for helping people increase their fluency, but we don't use it! Nina Reeves explains why.