Practical Thoughts Blog
Oct 29, 2020
How to be a stuttering therapist
How to be a stuttering therapist
(Advice from a person who stutters)
Patrick Campbell, co-editor of Stammering Pride and Prejudice: Different not Defect shares his views about what speech-language pathologists can do to become better stuttering therapists. Drawing on his own experiences, Patrick highlights the good and the bad of therapy and encourages clinicians to be open to various options and keep learning!
Oct 19, 2020
Guest Blog: Stuttering is easier when we have a reason to stutter.
This guest blog post by Christopher Constantino, PhD, CCC-SLP, describes the motivation behind Stammering Pride and Prejudice: Different not Defect, a remarkable book that present stuttering in a new light. If you are a person who stutters or a family member, or if you work with people who stutter, this is an absolute must read!
Oct 09, 2020
Stuttering and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: My Personal Story
GUEST BLOG: Angelica Bernabé shares her remarkable story of being a person who stutters who is also diagnosed with ADHD. Her story is an inspiration and should not be missed! Thank you, Angelica for your vulnerability and support for those who stutter.
Oct 04, 2020
Can I use the OASES via telepractice? (Yes!)
Many clinicians have questions about whether they can use the OASES (Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering) remotely via telepractice. The short answer is yes! The longer answer is that there are a few options that you can consider, including our *clinical license* for online administration.
Sep 09, 2020
Guest Blog: Phuong Lien Palafox
Meet: Phuong Lien Palafox! We are happy to highlight some of our colleagues that inspire us and are doing marvelous things in the SLP profession.
Aug 17, 2020
Stuttering is NOT a low-incidence disorder!
Stuttering is often called a "low-incident" disorder, but the truth is, it's not, and speech-language pathologists are doing a significant disservice to their clients (and themselves) by perpetuating this myth.
Aug 07, 2020
I read that ABC technique gives X% improvement (!!!) with only Y minutes of practice per day!!!
Professor J. Scott Yaruss "goes off" on the idea that there are simple ways to overcome stuttering by just using a particular technique or practicing for a particular amount of time. Fasten your seatbelt, stand back or settle in, and get ready for a data-driven, evidence-based, rip-roaring rant!
May 14, 2020
What Kids Who Stutter Want Parents and Listeners to Know
For National Stuttering Awareness Week, Nina's students share their thoughts about what parents and listeners need to know about stuttering!
May 01, 2020
Why don’t we prefer stretched-out speech strategies?
Stretchy speech is a common strategy that many clinicians use for helping to improve fluency in people who stutter. Dr. J. Scott Yaruss explains why he's not one of those clinicians.
Apr 22, 2020
What about those "atypical disfluencies?"
Not all disfluencies reflect stuttering. Sometimes, children exhibit "atypical" disfluencies. What in the world do we do with those? Nina Reeves has the answers.
Apr 19, 2020
How can we help school-age children become desensitized to stuttering?
Overcoming the fear of stuttering is one of the most important components of therapy. The question is: how do we do it?
Apr 13, 2020
VLOG: What SLPs Need to Know about Stuttering
What is one concept that can help SLPs become more effective in their assessment and intervention interactions with people who stutter and their families? In this important video, Nina Reeves explains her thoughts on this topic.