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Practical Thoughts Blog

Resources for SLPs: Stuttering Therapy, Telepractice, Supporting Parents and More!

Resources for SLPs: Stuttering Therapy, Telepractice, Supporting Parents and More!

During the time of the coronavirus, we have all been challenged by navigating changes to our personal and professional lives. It has been amazing for us to watch the SLP community come together to provide resources for one another, and to support each other both professionally and emotionally.

At Stuttering Therapy Resources, we are working to fulfill our mission to help speech-language pathologists help people who stutter by:

We have compiled just a few of these practical resources and linked them below. We hope these free resources will be helpful. Please feel free to share them with your colleagues and clients!

    Practical Tips Handouts about Telepractice

    Practical Tips Handouts about Supporting Parents

    Practical Tips Handouts about Supporting Students

    Practical Tips Videos

    Parent Support Resources: Booklets for Parents of Children who Stutter

    Reduce parents' fears so they can help their children at home and partner with you in therapy, and help parents understand their changing role as their children learn to cope successfully with stuttering. Booklets are available for parents of young children (ages 2-6) and school-age children (ages 6-18).

    ECS parents halfsize     

    SLP Professional Development: Stuttering Disorders

    Support Organizations-Getting Students and Families Connected